Monday, May 10, 2010

First Day Research

I have always loved the game of lacrosse and been intrigued by the lengthy history and evolution of the game. Since I am playing on the varsity lacrosse team this Spring, I figured what a perfect time and opportunity this would be to learn more about not only the evolution of the game, but the equipment and sticks as well. This morning I faced a minor set back with my project by finding out to make a wooden lacrosse stick, the wood needs to be cut and left out to dry for 10 months. Because of an apparent time crunch, I have altered my goal of making a wooden crosse from scratch to shaping, stringing, and weaving a blank stick that I will be soon purchasing from Tuskewe Krafts in Sanborn, NY. In addition, I will be learning the most common way of stringing a modern day lacrosse stick so I will have the knowledge and skill to compare and contrast the two crosses.
I will also be spending this week researching and making a short documentary on the evolution of lacrosse.
I have spent 2 hours today researching the history and origin of indigenous lacrosse and organizing for my clip. I also spent an hour figuring out where and how I am going to obtain the materials for my sticks and the blank. I have called and compared prices for the materials needed, such as raw hide, the blank, and string for the modern lacrosse stick at various companies. I hope to go to the stores at some point and find the best prices and makes.
In the next week I hope to be making a trip to the Kearsarge Native American Museum to learn more about the indigenous game and Native American culture that created the game of lacrosse.

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