Monday, May 17, 2010

Weekly Reflection #1

I learned a lot of new skills this week that I never would have had a chance to learn if it hadn’t been for the senior project opportunity. Due to some set backs with the creation of the stick and a doubtful expectation of how long the stick would take, I set my mind this week to creating a short documentary on the evolution of lacrosse. Through this, I was able to learn valuable skills in iMovie while also learning all about the origination and evolution of lacrosse.

Being a dedicated lacrosse player and a huge fan of everything about lacrosse, I loved learning about how this game that I love so much originated. Through the research, I found that the game of lacrosse came from Native Americans. To find out more about the Indigenous people, I made a trip to the Mt. Kearsarge Indian Museum. This was probably my favorite thing this week. I was able to learn so much about the culture of Indigenous people and the museum surprisingly had two lacrosse sticks and the tour guides had a lot of interesting, helpful information about the game. Apparently, the game used to be used as practice for war, as well as being a pleasure and leisure game. The only experience I have had with iMovie is simple slide shows. This week has given me the tools and skills to create an advanced movie using iMovie which I have always desired.

This week is dedicated to making my wooden lacrosse stick, stringing and weaving it with leather and rawhide. Also, I hope to learn how to string a boys and girls lacrosse stick as that is a skill I have always desired to acquire. I hope to get skills in working in the wood shop (of which I have none) and learn how to safely maneuver the hand tools in woodworking. I am excited to make my stick this week and I think I will benefit a lot from this project.

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